Starina Catchatoorian

I am a New York-based screenwriter and essayist. My essays have appeared in Lenny Letter, Oldster Magazine, Narratively, and The Vinyl District. A New York State Council on the Arts FY24 Artist Grantee, I am currently working on a book-length project. Recently, I was selected to judge this year's Scholastic Writing Awards. A recipient of several teaching grants from Poets & Writers, I have taught memoir writing workshops for adults and teens. I currently teach memoir writing workshops online. I have edited pieces in Memoir Land as well as for private clients. As a script analyst, I’ve worked for Coverfly Industry Arts, and have had the opportunity to read, edit, and write coverage reports for over 700 TV and film scripts. I take pride in helping other writers achieve their goals by offering encouraging and thoughtful feedback while being honest and proactive in helping to elevate their work and talents. Some of my clients have been finalists in such prestigious film competitions as Austin Film Festival and New York International Screenplay Awards.

I love the art of storytelling. Whether it be action-adventure, sci-fi-mystery, or rom-com. I am experienced in all genres and work as a freelance editor as well. With a solid theatre arts background from The University of North Carolina School of the Arts and a successful career as a singer/songwriter and performer, I intend to continue to tell my stories and I want to help you shape yours.